Monday, July 11, 2011



Raja Petra Kamarudin

Dear Najib, I sokong you. Well, to be exact, I sokong your statement below as reported by Bernama.

Yes, politics is about perception, not reality, as you said. I am glad you now understand this. In fact, your people have been using this tactic themselves.

You see, recently I gave an interview on TV3 and they very cleverly presented it as if I am now endorsing you and supporting you and that you have bought me off and I am now an Umno Trojan horse.

That may be just the perception created by Umno or TV3. But many believed this because, as you said, politics is about perception, not reality.

Let me give you another example. Many believe you are somehow, directly or indirectly, involved in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder. Whether this is true or not does not matter. That is the perception and, as you said, politics is about perception, not reality.

Many also believe that Anwar is innocent of both the Sodomy 1 and Sodomy 2 allegations plus he is not the man in the porn video. Again, whether this is true or not does not matter. That is the perception and, as you said, politics is about perception, not reality.

So you see, just on these two issues alone you and Umno lose. And I am yet to go into other issues like your wife’s handbags that run into millions of Ringgit. And I have not even gone into her shoes, clothes and overseas shopping expenses yet. Your wife makes Imelda Marcos look tame by comparison. That, again, is the perception and can never be erased as much as it may be denied.

If I really wanted to get you, Najib, there are hundreds of issues I can raise. However, to be fair to me, I have picked and chosen only a few issues here and there. I have not really launched a crusade against you. If I did, you would suffer what Abdullah Ahmad Badawi suffered and you would go the way of the last Prime Minister -- into forced retirement.

The fact I have not attacked you enough is the reason why many say you have bought me off. But then these people are political novices who think they know politics but actually know nuts. That is why we need not bother with these dim-witted people. I call them bodoh sombong. Dah lah bodoh, sombong pulak.

Let me tell you why I do not wish for you to be forced out of office like Pak Lah before you. No, it’s not because I love you. It is because I know that you are surrounded by stupid people. And I personally know many of these people. We used to hang out together in the days of the pre-March 2008 GE.

If you were to be forced out, then Muhyddin Yassin would take over as Prime Minister. And this would be more dangerous for the opposition.

I would rather you remain as Prime Minister until the next general election. Then the opposition has a better chance. If Muyhiddin takes over as Prime Minister before the next election then the opposition may suffer.

So you see, Najib, what you said is true. Politics is about perception, not reality. And you need to be good at perception management. But your people are not. They are too arrogant and they think they are smart. I alone canmakan all your people. Yes, Raja Petra Kamarudin alone can take on your entire team.

So please don’t flatter yourself when your people tell you that I am now your supporter because I no longer attack you too much. I don’t attack you too much because I don’t want you to fall and for Muhyiddin to take over as Prime Minister.

I personally know Muyhiddin’s people. They are clever. I also personally know your people. They are not. So better we deal with you than with Muyhiddin.

Tell me, Najib, what is the best your people can do? So far they only know how to shout BABI. That’s all, BABI -- Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim. You think just by shouting BABI the opposition is going to fall?

Dear Najib, if you want to survive then you had better sack all your so-called advisers. Semua ego besar. Kepala bapak dia orang. Find better people or else you are finished. Remember, you said it: it’s all about perception.

By the way, the answer is no! I do not wish to work for you if you sack all the idiots around you, not even if I come directly under Rosmah….if you know what I mean (pun intended).